Local Programming
-Carlsbad Community Television Foundation
What is the Carlsbad Community Television Foundation? Carlsbad Community Television is a foundation that provides funding to produce local community television programs. The Foundation was formed in 1982 through an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Daniels Cablevision. The agreement calls for a portion of basic cable television revenues generated in the City of Carlsbad to be allocated to the Foundation. Community members can apply for grants to fund their television programs. Programs produced with funding through the Foundation are aired on Daniels Cablevision KDCI® Channel 3 and may be used for other viewing where appropriate.
2001 - Grant Workshop Schedule: Daniels Cablevision in conjunction with the City of Carlsbad provides workshops for the Carlsbad Community Television Foundation. These workshops are designed to teach community members how to fill out the grant application and to provide direction and guidance for first time producers. Grant workshops are held on the second Wednesday, every other month beginning in January. All workshops begin at 9 a.m. and last for approximately one hour. A studio tour is included after the workshop.
1) January 10
2) March 14
3) May 9
4) July 11
5) September 12
6) November 14Please call 438-7741 ext. 407 to reserve your space. Seating is limited.
CCTV meeting times: HOW TO GET FUNDING... Applying for funding for a project video production can be a daunting prospect for a first-time community producer. The Carlsbad Community Television Foundation (CCTVF), together with the staff at Daniels Cablevision and the City of Carlsbad's Community Services Department, try to make the process of applying for a production grant as easy as possible.
To ensure that your grant proposal has the best possible chance for success, we offer the following pointers:
Be sure to allow time well in advance of your planned shooting schedule to pick up a grant application packet (available at the City's Community Services Department at 405 Oak Avenue, or Daniels Cablevision, Inc. at 5720 El Camino Real), complete the required forms and submit your proposal for CCTVF's consideration. This is especially important for proposals involving the taping of events scheduled for specific dates. The CCTVF Board meets monthly on the first Thursday at 4:30 p.m., and applications for grants must be turned in to the City's Community Services Department/Oak Avenue no later than prior to the meeting date to be processed, placed on the agenda and mailed to board members. CCTVF cannot consider grant applications which do not meet this deadline.
This is probably the trickiest part of the application for novice producers. Valarie Brown at Daniels Cablevision can help you calculate your facilities, equipment and crew needs in terms of time and cost, basing all charges on the current rate card for the Cablevision facility. In the case of particularly complex, or potentially expensive, productions, Valarie may be able to suggest economies or identify possible sources for funds to supplement partial support by CCTVF. Because there is only so much money available for local programming, the CCTVF Board encourages applicants to explore such supplementary funding sources. These might include corporate and retail sponsors from the local community.
The County also offers grants, but only on a yearly grant cycle. For more information on its programming, call the San Diego County Cable Television Review Commission at 619-595-4680.
Additionally, KOCT in Oceanside provides local programming. For information, call Tom Reeser at 760-722-4433.
This is probably the trickiest part of the application for novice producers. Valarie Brown at Daniels Cablevision can help you calculate your facilities, equipment and crew needs in terms of time and cost, basing all charges on the current rate card for the Cablevision facility. In the case of particularly complex, or potentially expensive, productions, Valarie may be able to suggest economies or identify possible sources for funds to supplement partial support by CCTVF. Because there is only so much money available for local programming, the CCTVF Board encourages applicants to explore such supplementary funding sources. These might include corporate and retail sponsors from the local community.
The County also offers grants, but only on a yearly grant cycle. For more information on
its programming, call the San Diego County Cable Television Review Commission at 595-4680.
Additionally, Oceanside's KOCT provides local programming. For information, call Tom Reeser at 722-4433.
The Carlsbad Community Television Foundation wants to help you make sure your program reaches its intended audience and hopes your program can help attract new viewers to Channel 3, who may in turn recognize the benefits of local access television and generate more productions. For these reasons, and as part of your application, it is necessary to provide a description of plans to promote your show. Additionally, somewhere within the promotion, there needs to be a statement reading: "This grant is funded through the Carlsbad Community Television Foundation." The promotion plans can include press releases to local newspapers and radio stations, or announcements in newsletters which reach the project's target audience. For programs which record public events, printed programs, or other materials distributed to participants, information about the program could be included. Daniels Cablevision's staff can help you plan a realistic post-production timeline, particularly in this last case, and schedule a date in advance for cablecasting your program so that at the time of the shoot you can publicize the air date.
In every case, CCTVF's participation should specifically be acknowledged.
Remember, the more you can tell us about your anticipated production, the better able we will be to judge its merits. So plan carefully, work with the helpful staff at Daniels Cablevision, and you will have every chance of success.During the completion of your grant application, please don't hesitate to call Valarie Brown at Daniels Cablevision to review your budget, or the Oak Avenue facility of the City of Carlsbad's Community Services Department, to answer any final questions you may have, prior to submitting your grant.
- Originally formed by an agreement signed on April 21, 1982, and extended in 1996 between City of Carlsbad and Cable Television operators.
- Agreement committs 1% of basic cable service revenues to a non-profit foundation to provide community based CATV programs.
- Articles of incorporation and By-Laws for the Foundation for Carlsbad Community Cable Television were approved by Carlsbad City Councel Resolution No. 7121 on January 18, 1982.
The Carlsbad Community Television Foundation has been established for the specific purposes of encouraging, promoting and providing for non-commercial purposes:
- Instructions and assistance for individuals, groups, entitites and agencies interested in using the community service cable television channel(s);
- The non-discriminatory employment and promotion of other opportunitites for minorities and women in the cable television industry;
- Public information on the effective use of the community service cable television channel(s); and
- Activities in furtherance of promoting community access and programming of community service channels, all within the city limits of the City of Carlsbad.
The Foundation acts as fiscal agent, developing a budget for all revenues received in support of this non-profit foundation including:
- Payments from the cable operator (Daniels Cablevision).
- Donations from private parties or businesses.
- Scholarships, or grants, from private parties, businesses, or educational facilities.
- Fees, if any, received from certification or other programs.
- Other grants from private foundations and other sources are solicited to underwrite the Foundation's projects.
The Foundation works with both the City of Carlsbad and the cable operator using cable programming staff in an advisory capacity in regard to: (a) scheduling and use of equipment and studio time when appropriate; (b) local access programming schedules; (c) allocation of the use of local access channel time; and (d) instruction and support during the grant application process.
Proposals should be complete and effective, but not unnecessarily elaborate. The applicant must submit seventeen (17) copies of the proposal. The Foundation generally meets the second Thursday of each month. To be considered, applications must be received by hand, or mail, at:
Carlsbad Community Television Foundation
City of Carlsbad/Community Services Department
405 Oak Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
If you would like a full CCTV Grant Application, please click here. (PDF)